What Sets Top Real Estate Agents Apart from the Rest?

According to recent statistics, there are over 2 million active real estate agents in the United States alone. With such a competitive market, it's crucial to differentiate the top-performing agents from the rest. So, what makes them stand out? Let's find out.

Overview of Top Real Estate Agents

The top real estate agents in Calgary possess unique qualities that enable them to consistently deliver results for their clients. These include deep market knowledge, exceptional communication skills, strong networking abilities, a proven track record and experience, advanced marketing strategies, and a commitment to client satisfaction

Here's What Sets Top Real Estate Agents Apart from the Rest

Real estate is a dynamic industry; agents must stay updated with the latest market trends and changes. Top agents deeply understand their local markets, including neighborhood specifics, pricing trends, and market demand. They use this knowledge to advise their clients accurately and make well-informed decisions. Read below for some key traits and practices that set top real estate agents apart.

Deep Market Knowledge

One of the most crucial qualities of a top real estate agent is their deep understanding of the local market. They possess valuable insight into neighborhood specifics, pricing trends, and market demand that sets them apart from other agents.

These agents use this knowledge to provide their clients with accurate and timely information, enabling them to make informed decisions about buying or selling a property. For example, a top agent may advise their client on the optimum time to list their home based on current market conditions, resulting in a higher sale price.

Example of How Top Agents Leverage This Knowledge

Let's say you are looking to purchase a property in a specific neighborhood. A top agent will show you properties for sale and provide information on the community's schools, crime rates, and other important factors that may influence your decision. This knowledge can help you make an informed choice and ensure that you are investing in the right property.

Staying Updated with Industry Changes

The real estate industry is constantly evolving, with changes in regulations, market conditions, and best practices. Top agents understand the importance of staying updated and continuously educating themselves to provide their clients with the best service.

These agents stay current by attending industry events, conferences, and seminars and networking with other professionals in the field. This allows them to offer their clients the latest information and advice on all aspects of real estate transactions.

Importance of Honesty and Clarity in Dealings

In addition to staying updated with industry changes, top agents are known for their honesty and clarity. They understand that transparency is crucial in building trust with their clients and is essential for a successful transaction.

These agents communicate openly and honestly with their clients, ensuring they understand all aspects of the deal and are comfortable with their decisions. This level of transparency builds trust and helps avoid potential issues or misunderstandings down the line.

Strong Networking Abilities

Top real estate agents possess excellent networking skills that allow them to connect with a wide range of industry professionals, including other agents, lenders, inspectors, appraisers, and more.

Top agents can access valuable resources and information that benefit their clients through these connections. For example, suppose a top agent has a good relationship with an inspector. In that case, they may be able to schedule an inspection at short notice, giving their clients an advantage in a competitive market.

The Role of Referrals in Networking

Networking also significantly generates client referrals for top agents. By providing exceptional service to their past clients, these agents build strong relationships that often result in word-of-mouth recommendations and further business opportunities.

Proven Track Record and Experience

Top real estate agents have a proven success track record and extensive industry experience. They have closed numerous transactions and consistently deliver results for their clients.

This experience gives them valuable knowledge about navigating complex transactions and instills confidence in their abilities to handle any situation that may arise during a deal. Clients can trust their agent has the expertise to guide them through a successful transaction.

How Experience Benefits Clients

In addition to providing expert guidance, top agents' experience enables them to negotiate effectively on behalf of their clients. They have honed their negotiating skills through years of practice and know-how to get the best possible outcome for their clients.

Advanced Marketing Strategies

Top real estate agents understand the importance of marketing in today's digital age and utilize advanced strategies to promote their listings. These agents have a strong online presence and showcase their properties on various platforms, such as social media, websites, and online listings.

They also invest in professional photography, virtual tours, and staging services to make their listings stand out. This attracts more potential buyers and results in faster sales and higher sale prices for their clients.

Importance of Marketing for Sellers

Having a top agent with advanced marketing strategies can be a game-changer for sellers. These agents know how to position a property in the market and target the right audience to generate maximum interest. As a result, they can help sellers achieve their desired price and sell their property quickly.

Commitment to Client Satisfaction

Last but certainly not least, top real estate agents are committed to their clients' satisfaction. They prioritize their client's needs and goals and work tirelessly to ensure they are met.

These agents understand the importance of building long-term relationships with their clients and go above and beyond to exceed their expectations. They provide personalized attention, timely communication, and exceptional service throughout the transaction process, making it a smooth and stress-free experience for their clients.


Choosing top real estate agents in calgary can make all the difference in your buying or selling experience. These agents possess deep market knowledge, stay updated with industry changes, have strong networking abilities, and have a proven track record of success. They also prioritize honesty, utilize advanced marketing strategies, and are committed to their clients' satisfaction. Working with Udo & Company ensures that your real estate transaction is handled

Detailed Steps to Buying a Home in Calgary

Buying a home in Calgary involves several crucial steps to ensure a smooth and informed process. Whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to invest, understanding these steps will help you navigate Calgary's real estate market effectively.

1) Assess Your Financial Readiness

Before starting the home-buying process, assessing your financial readiness is essential. Start by determining your budget and securing mortgage pre-approval. This step helps you understand your purchasing power and streamlines the buying process.

Begin by evaluating your current financial situation:

If you need more clarification while buying a home in Calgary, consult Udo & Company for professional guidance and help.

2) Research Calgary's Real Estate Market

Calgary's real estate market is diverse, with varying trends and neighbourhood dynamics. Conduct thorough research to identify areas that align with your lifestyle and investment objectives. Consider factors such as:

Understanding market trends and property values will empower you to make informed decisions when selecting your home in Calgary.

3) Find a Knowledgeable Real Estate Agent

Partnering with a knowledgeable real estate agent can significantly streamline your buying journey in Calgary. Look for an agent who:

At Udo & Company, we provide personalized guidance and comprehensive market insights tailored to your requirements. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and informed home-buying experience from start to finish.

4) Define Your Home Preferences and Needs

Clearly defining your home preferences and needs is crucial in narrowing your search criteria. Consider factors such as:

Prioritizing your preferences will help you focus your search efforts. It will also ensure that the homes you consider align closely with your lifestyle and plans in Calgary.

5) Search and Visit Properties

Use online resources and listings to search for properties that meet your criteria. Attend open houses and private showings to assess potential homes physically. During visits, consider:

Participating in property visits allows you to gather firsthand impressions and make well-informed decisions based on your observations.

6) Make an Informed Offer and Negotiate

When you find the right property, it's time to make an informed offer. Work closely with your real estate agent to:

Negotiations ensure the results are in your best favour during the buying process in Calgary.

7) Conduct Inspections and Due Diligence

Before finalizing your purchase, conduct thorough inspections to assess the property's condition. Consider:

Due diligence is critical to uncovering potential issues and ensuring you can confidently close your new home in Calgary.

8) Finalize Financing and Closing Process

Finalize your mortgage financing and prepare for the closing process by:

Working closely with your real estate agent and mortgage lender streamlines the final steps toward homeownership and ensures a seamless transition into your new Calgary residence.

9) Prepare for Moving In and Post-Purchase Considerations

As you prepare to move into your new home, consider:

Our team remains committed to supporting you beyond the purchase, providing ongoing guidance & expertise to enhance your ownership experience in Calgary.


Congratulations on taking the first steps towards purchasing a home in Calgary! By following these essential steps and leveraging Udo & Company's expertise, you can confidently navigate the complexities of Calgary's real estate market. Contact us to explore how we can assist you further in achieving your homeownership goals in Calgary.

Tips for Selling Your Home in Calgary

Preparing to sell your home in Calgary requires careful planning and a clear strategy. With the right steps in place, you can navigate the process smoothly and achieve a successful sale. Whether you're moving up to a larger home or relocating, these practical tips will help you manage the selling process effectively.

Understand the Calgary Real Estate Market

Before listing your home, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the current market conditions in Calgary. The local real estate market can vary seasonally and is influenced by economic factors unique to the region. Researching recent trends and consulting with a reputable real estate appraiser like Udo & Company can provide valuable insights into setting the right price.

As of 2024, here's the latest spotlight on the Calgary real estate market - "In May 2024, the typical price for selling a home in Calgary went up by 9.8% compared to last year, reaching $587,100. The average selling price for single-family homes rose by 12.2% year-over-year to $687,200 in May 2024".

Setting the Right Price

Accurate pricing is one of the most critical factors in selling your home quickly and for the best price. Here are some tips that'll make this step easier for you:

  1. Conduct a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to assess recent sales prices of similar homes in your neighbourhood.
  2. Consider current market trends and economic factors affecting real estate in Calgary.
  3. Consult with a reputable real estate appraiser, like Udo & Company, for an accurate valuation.
  4. Price competitively to attract potential buyers without undervaluing your property.
  5. Be prepared to adjust the price based on feedback and market conditions.

Preparing Your Home for Sale

First impressions matter when selling a home in Calgary. Enhancing curb appeal is essential, especially in Calgary's climate. Consider freshening the exterior with a coat of paint, landscaping the yard, and ensuring pathways are clear and inviting. Inside, declutter and depersonalize to help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Minor repairs and upgrades can also add significant value and appeal.

Marketing Your Home Effectively

Effective marketing is key to reaching a wide audience of potential buyers. Listing your home on prominent Calgary real estate websites and utilizing social media platforms can increase visibility. Professional photography and virtual tours showcase your home in its best light, attracting more interest from prospective buyers searching for houses for sale in Calgary.

Navigating the Selling Process

Navigating the legal aspects of selling a home in Calgary requires attention to detail. Ensure all necessary paperwork is in order, including the Real Property Report (RPR) and any disclosures required by law. Understanding offers and negotiating terms can streamline the selling process, leading to a successful sale and smooth closing.

Highlighting Calgary Neighborhoods and Amenities

Calgary boasts diverse neighbourhoods, each with its charm and amenities. Highlighting local attractions, schools, parks, and transportation options can attract buyers looking to settle in specific areas. Whether it's the family-friendly communities of McKenzie Towne or the vibrant downtown core, showcasing the uniqueness of each neighbourhood can enhance buyer interest.

Working with a Real Estate Agent in Calgary

Partnering with a skilled real estate agent in Calgary can significantly simplify and enhance your home-selling experience. Here are the key benefits:

  1. Local Market Expertise
  2. Professional Guidance
  3. Effective Marketing
  4. Negotiation Skills
  5. Legal Knowledge
  6. Time Savings
  7. Network of Professionals

An experienced agent can provide expert guidance, market your home effectively, and negotiate on your behalf.

Here's How the Calgary Home Selling Process Looks Like

Selling a home in Calgary involves careful planning and leveraging local market insights. A skilled real estate agent can simplify the process and maximize your sale price.

Step 1: Prepare Your Home

Before listing your home, ensure it's in prime condition. Consider repairs, decluttering, and staging to enhance its appeal to potential buyers.

Step 2: Set the Right Price

Research the market to determine a competitive listing price. Factors like location, size, and current market trends in Calgary can influence your home's value.

Step 3: Hire a Real Estate Agent

Engage a licensed real estate agent with local expertise. They'll handle negotiations, paperwork, and marketing your property effectively.

Step 4: Market Your Home

Utilize professional photography and online listings to attract buyers. Your agent will create a marketing plan tailored to reach Calgary's buyer demographic.

Step 5: Showings and Open Houses

Arrange showings and open houses to showcase your home. Ensure it's clean and well-presented for each viewing to leave a positive impression.

Step 6: Receive and Negotiate Offers

Review offers with your agent and negotiate terms like price, closing date, and contingencies. They'll guide you through this critical phase.

Step 7: Accept an Offer

Once you've accepted an offer, work with your agent to fulfill any conditions and prepare for closing.

Step 8: Close the Sale

Attend the closing meeting to sign paperwork and transfer ownership. Your agent will ensure all legal and financial obligations are met.

Step 9: Move Out

Coordinate moving logistics and prepare your home for the new owners. Leave keys and necessary documents with your agent or lawyer.


Selling your home in Calgary requires careful planning and execution. By understanding the local market, pricing competitively, preparing your home effectively, and leveraging professional marketing strategies, you can maximize your chances of a successful sale. Whether you're listing houses for sale in Calgary's suburbs or downtown core, Udo & Company is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our real estate appraisal services and how we can help you achieve your selling objectives.

Budgeting for a Home Purchase: Insights from a Real Estate Agent

Did you know that nearly 60% of first-time homebuyers regret their purchase due to unexpected costs? Budgeting correctly can prevent this common pitfall. This post shares insights from a Tusany real estate agent on effectively budgeting for your home purchase, ensuring you avoid financial surprises and make a confident, informed decision.

Understanding Your Financial Situation

As you embark on your home purchase, the first step is to assess your current financial situation. The Tuscany real estate agent suggests, ‘This will give you a clear understanding of how much you can afford and help you avoid any potential financial strain in the future.’

Assessing Income and Expenses

The first step in assessing your financial situation is calculating your monthly income from all sources. This includes your salary and any additional income such as bonuses, rental property income, or investments.

Once you have determined your monthly income, it's important to list out all of your monthly expenses. This includes debts, utilities, groceries, transportation, and other regular expenditures. It's essential to be thorough in this process to get an accurate picture of your spending habits.

Evaluating Savings and Investments

In addition to assessing your monthly income and expenses, it is crucial to review your current savings and investments, which include savings accounts, retirement funds, stocks, and other investments.

Aside from these types of savings, having an emergency fund is important. This is a separate account with enough money to cover at least 3-6 months' worth of expenses in case of unexpected events such as job loss or medical emergencies.

Credit Score Considerations

Your credit score plays a significant role in securing a mortgage and determines the interest rate you will receive. A higher credit score can result in lower monthly payments, saving you thousands of dollars.

Before applying for a mortgage, it is crucial to review your credit report and address any errors or negative marks affecting your score. Additionally, paying off any outstanding debts and keeping low balances on credit cards can also help improve your credit score.

Determining How Much House You Can Afford

Now that you understand your financial situation, it's time to determine how much house you can afford. This will involve calculating the 28/36 rule and determining the down payment amount.

Calculating the 28/36 Rule

The 28/36 rule is a widely used guideline in the real estate industry for determining affordability. It states that monthly housing costs should be at most 28% of gross monthly income, and total debt (including housing costs) should be at most 36%.

Using this rule as a starting point gives you an idea of what price range to look for when browsing homes.

Down Payment

A substantial down payment is crucial in securing a mortgage with favourable terms. The recommended down payment amount is typically 20% of the home's purchase price. This lowers your monthly payments and can help you avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI), which is an additional cost when putting less than 20% down.

Down payment funds can come from savings, investments, or family gifts. Considering and planning for this expense carefully is important, as it will significantly impact your overall budget.

Mortgage Pre-Approval

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage before starting your house search has many benefits. It provides a clear understanding of how much you can afford and strengthens your negotiating power with sellers.

Pre-approval helps in budgeting as it provides a more accurate idea of your monthly loan payment and potential closing costs.

Additional Expenses to Consider

When creating a home budget, it's crucial to consider additional expenses beyond the purchase price and monthly mortgage payments. These expenses may include:

Property Taxes and Insurance: These expenses are typically included in your monthly mortgage payment. However, budgeting for them is important as they can vary depending on location & property value.

Importance of Being Flexible with Timelines

When creating a budget for purchasing a home, it's crucial to be flexible with timelines. Finding the perfect home, securing financing, and completing all necessary steps can take longer than expected.

It's essential to have backup plans in case unexpected delays occur. This could include extending your rental lease or temporarily staying with family or friends until the purchase is finalized. Flexibility and preparation for potential delays can help avoid added stress and financial strain.

Tips from Real Estate Agents

Tuscany Real estate agents have extensive knowledge in helping buyers navigate the budgeting process. Some tips they often suggest include:

Final Thoughts

Creating a realistic budget is a crucial step in the home-buying process. By assessing your finances, understanding your credit score, and considering all expenses, you can determine how much house you can afford and make a confident decision when purchasing a home. Working with trusted professionals at Udo & Company and lenders can also help guide you through budgeting and ensure a successful purchase. Remember to be flexible with timelines and have backup plans to avoid added stress during this exciting time. Contact us today and create a successful home budget.

What Sets Top Real Estate Agents Apart from the Rest?

According to recent statistics, there are over 2 million active real estate agents in the Canada alone. With such a competitive market, it's crucial to differentiate the top-performing agents from the rest. So, what makes them stand out? Let's find out.

Overview of Top Real Estate Agents

The top real estate agents in Calgary possess unique qualities that enable them to consistently deliver results for their clients. These include deep market knowledge, exceptional communication skills, strong networking abilities, a proven track record and experience, advanced marketing strategies, and a commitment to client satisfaction.

Here's What Sets Top Real Estate Agents Apart from the Rest

Real estate is a dynamic industry; agents must stay updated with the latest market trends and changes. Top agents deeply understand their local markets, including neighborhood specifics, pricing trends, and market demand. They use this knowledge to advise their clients accurately and make well-informed decisions. Read below for some key traits and practices that set top real estate agents apart.

Deep Market Knowledge

One of the most crucial qualities of a top real estate agent is their deep understanding of the local market. They possess valuable insight into neighborhood specifics, pricing trends, and market demand that sets them apart from other agents.
These agents use this knowledge to provide their clients with accurate and timely information, enabling them to make informed decisions about buying or selling a property. For example, a top agent may advise their client on the optimum time to list their home based on current market conditions, resulting in a higher sale price.

Example of How Top Agents Leverage This Knowledge

Let's say you are looking to purchase a property in a specific neighborhood. A top agent will show you properties for sale and provide information on the community's schools, crime rates, and other important factors that may influence your decision. This knowledge can help you make an informed choice and ensure that you are investing in the right property.

Staying Updated with Industry Changes

The real estate industry is constantly evolving, with changes in regulations, market conditions, and best practices. Top agents understand the importance of staying updated and continuously educating themselves to provide their clients with the best service.
These agents stay current by attending industry events, conferences, and seminars and networking with other professionals in the field. This allows them to offer their clients the latest information and advice on all aspects of real estate transactions.

Importance of Honesty and Clarity in Dealings

In addition to staying updated with industry changes, top agents are known for their honesty and clarity. They understand that transparency is crucial in building trust with their clients and is essential for a successful transaction.
These agents communicate openly and honestly with their clients, ensuring they understand all aspects of the deal and are comfortable with their decisions. This level of transparency builds trust and helps avoid potential issues or misunderstandings down the line.

Strong Networking Abilities

Top real estate agents possess excellent networking skills that allow them to connect with a wide range of industry professionals, including other agents, lenders, inspectors, appraisers, and more.
Top agents can access valuable resources and information that benefit their clients through these connections. For example, suppose a top agent has a good relationship with an inspector. In that case, they may be able to schedule an inspection at short notice, giving their clients an advantage in a competitive market.

The Role of Referrals in Networking

Networking also significantly generates client referrals for top agents. By providing exceptional service to their past clients, these agents build strong relationships that often result in word-of-mouth recommendations and further business opportunities.

Proven Track Record and Experience

Top real estate agents have a proven success track record and extensive industry experience. They have closed numerous transactions and consistently deliver results for their clients.
This experience gives them valuable knowledge about navigating complex transactions and instills confidence in their abilities to handle any situation that may arise during a deal. Clients can trust their agent has the expertise to guide them through a successful transaction.

How Experience Benefits Clients

In addition to providing expert guidance, top agents' experience enables them to negotiate effectively on behalf of their clients. They have honed their negotiating skills through years of practice and know-how to get the best possible outcome for their clients.

Advanced Marketing Strategies

Top real estate agents understand the importance of marketing in today's digital age and utilize advanced strategies to promote their listings. These agents have a strong online presence and showcase their properties on various platforms, such as social media, websites, and online listings.
They also invest in professional photography, virtual tours, and staging services to make their listings stand out. This attracts more potential buyers and results in faster sales and higher sale prices for their clients.

Importance of Marketing for Sellers

Having a top agent with advanced marketing strategies can be a game-changer for sellers. These agents know how to position a property in the market and target the right audience to generate maximum interest. As a result, they can help sellers achieve their desired price and sell their property quickly.

Commitment to Client Satisfaction

Last but certainly not least, top real estate agents are committed to their clients' satisfaction. They prioritize their client's needs and goals and work tirelessly to ensure they are met.
These agents understand the importance of building long-term relationships with their clients and go above and beyond to exceed their expectations. They provide personalized attention, timely communication, and exceptional service throughout the transaction process, making it a smooth and stress-free experience for their clients.


Choosing top real estate agents in calgary can make all the difference in your buying or selling experience. These agents possess deep market knowledge, stay updated with industry changes, have strong networking abilities, and have a proven track record of success. They also prioritize honesty, utilize advanced marketing strategies, and are committed to their clients' satisfaction. Working with Udo & Company ensures that your real estate transaction is handled with expertise and care, resulting in a successful and satisfying experience. So, always do thorough research and choose the best agent for your needs to achieve your real estate goals successfully.

How to Choose the Right Calgary Real Estate Firm for Your Needs?

The real estate market in Calgary is unique and can be complex to navigate. Whether buying, selling, or investing in property, choosing the right real estate firm is crucial for a successful transaction. This blog discusses how to choose the right Calgary real estate firm for your needs by following these steps

1. Understand Your Needs

Before you search for a real estate firm, you must define your needs and goals. Are you looking to buy a new home or sell your current one? Do you need assistance with commercial or luxury properties? Set a budget and timeline for your transaction to help narrow your options.

2. Research Potential Firms

There are various ways to find real estate firms, including online searches, referrals from friends and family, and browsing real estate listings. Once you have a list of potential firms, check their credentials and professional memberships, such as the Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB) and the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA).

3. Evaluate Experience and Reputation

When choosing a real estate firm in Calgary, experience matters. Look for firms that have been operating in the market for a significant amount of time and have a good reputation. Check reviews and testimonials from past clients on platforms like Google, Yelp, and social media. You can also look for any industry awards or recognitions the firm has received.

4. Assess the Firm's Services

Consider the range of services the real estate firm offers, such as buying, selling, property management, and more. If you're selling a property, ask about their marketing strategies to ensure your listing gets maximum exposure. Some firms may offer additional services like legal support or mortgage assistanceReal estate agent with house model and keys.

5. Meet the Team

Meeting the agents in person is vital in assessing their communication skills, responsiveness, and overall approach. Take the time to understand their strategies for buying or selling properties and see if they align with your goals.

6. Consider Their Technology and Tools

Technology is crucial in real estate transactions in today's digital age. Ask about the firm's use of technology, such as virtual tours, online listings, client portals, and mobile apps. A strong online presence can also indicate a reputable firm.

7. Check Their Network and Connections

A good real estate firm should have a strong network of professionals they can connect you with, such as mortgage brokers, inspectors, and contractors. Ask about their connections and how they can benefit you when buying or selling.

8. Discuss Fees and Contracts

Understanding the real estate firm's fee structure before signing any contracts is essential. This typically includes commissions and additional costs. Ensure all fees are transparently stated in the contract, and don't hesitate to ask for clarification if needed.

9. Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a real estate firm. It may be a red flag if something doesn't feel right or you have doubts about a particular firm. Take your time and choose a firm that you feel comfortable working with.


Choosing the right Calgary real estate firm for your needs may take some time, but it's worth the effort. Remember to understand your needs, research potential firms, evaluate experience and reputation, assess their services, meet the team, consider technology and tools, check their network and connections, discuss fees and contracts, and trust your instincts. With these steps in mind, you can make an informed decision and have a successful real estate transaction

Calgary Real Estate Market Analysis 2024

Calgary, a vibrant city in the province of Alberta, has been experiencing steady growth in its real estate market. As of May 2024, the Calgary real estate market shows a continued trend of rising home prices and decreasing affordability. With 3861 active properties for sale, there is a high demand for homes in the Calgary area.

According to recent statistics, the average home price in Calgary is $612,772, with detached homes seeing an average increase of 12.4%, semi-detached homes increasing by 16.9%, townhouses increasing by 16.6%, and condo apartments increasing by 13.6% year-over-year.

Despite these rising prices, home sales have declined slightly by 0.9% compared to the previous year. This can be attributed to a need for more supply in the market and increasing unaffordability for buyers.

To put it into perspective, the benchmark home price has increased by 9.5% year-over-year, reaching $605,300. This rapid price rise is causing concern for consumers seeking more affordable options.

In terms of affordability, Calgary's housing market is becoming less accessible for many prospective buyers, with June 2024 seeing a record low mortgage rate of 4.44%. As such, consumers are turning towards lower-priced options to enter the market.

With such a dynamic real estate market, buyers and sellers must stay informed about current trends and statistics. By keeping track of the market updates, sales history, and inventory levels, individuals can make more informed decisions when buying or selling a home in Calgary.

Calgary Real Estate Market Overview 2024

If you are considering buying or selling a home in Calgary, it is important to understand the current market conditions. Here's a current overview of the Calgary housing sector:

Semi-Detached Home Prices in Calgary

As of May 2024, the average price for semi-detached homes in Calgary had reached $702,960, a significant increase of 16.9% from the previous year. This is higher than the benchmark price of $678,000 and indicates a high demand for this type of property

However, despite the rising prices, the number of units sold has decreased by 7.2%. This could be due to some buyers' inability to afford them or a shortage in supply

Single-Family Detached Home Prices in Calgary

The average price for single-family detached homes in Calgary has reached $822,873, showing a significant increase of 12.4% from the previous year. This is higher than the benchmark price of $761,800 and indicates a high demand for this type of property.

Despite the rising prices, the number of units sold has decreased slightly by 6.8%, indicating a possible decrease in buyer demand or shortage in supply.

Townhouse Prices in Calgary

As of May 2024, the average price for townhouses in Calgary has reached $473,913, showing a significant increase of 16.6% from the previous year. This is higher than the benchmark price of $462,500 and indicates a high demand for this type of property.

Despite the rising prices, the number of units sold has increased by 8.7%, indicating a continued strong demand for townhouses in Calgary. However, there has also been a significant increase in new listings by 22.6%, suggesting that supply may be catching up to demand.

Apartment Prices in Calgary

As of May 2024, the average price for apartments in Calgary has reached $349,154, showing a significant increase of 13.6% from the previous year. This is higher than the benchmark price of $340,500 and suggests a high demand for this property type.

There has also been an increase in units sold by 5.8%, indicating sustained demand for apartments in Calgary. However, there has also been a notable increase in new listings by 21.9%, suggesting that supply may be catching up to demand.

Market Overview for Condo Apartments (as of May 2024)

As of May 2024, condo apartments comprise a significant portion of the Calgary real estate market.

Compared to other major metro areas in Canada, such as Toronto and Vancouver, where condo apartments have been a significant part of the housing market for some time, Calgary has only recently seen an increase in demand for this type of property. Two years ago, condo apartments made up close to one-seventh of total home sales and a much smaller proportion of sales volume in dollars due to their lower prices. However, in just two years, they made up close to one-third of homes sold in the Calgary real estate market.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're considering buying or selling a home in Calgary, you may have questions about the current market conditions. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Are house prices dropping in Calgary?

While prices for some types of properties may have decreased slightly, overall, house prices in Calgary are continuing to rise. The average home price has increased by 9.5% year over year, and the benchmark price has reached $605,300 as of May 2024.

Is now a good time to buy a house in Calgary?

It is always important to consider your financial situation carefully before making any significant purchases. However, with housing prices expected to continue increasing in the coming years, it may be beneficial for buyers to enter the market sooner rather than later.

What is the perspective for Calgary real estate in 2024?

Based on current market trends and statistics, the outlook for Calgary's real estate market in 2024 is positive.

The average price for residential homes sold has increased by 9.8% compared to the previous year, indicating a high demand for properties in Calgary. Moreover, the sales-to-new-listings ratio suggests it is currently a seller's market in Calgary, with more potential buyers than available properties.

Is Calgary currently in the buyer's or seller's market?

As per the current real estate market scenario, Clagry is currently in the 100% seller market.

Is it a good time to invest in real estate in Calgary?

If you are looking to make a long-term investment, now could be a good time to invest in real estate in Calgary. The current market shows a high demand for properties, and with the city's steady growth, home values are likely to keep going up over time.

Is 2024 a good time to buy a house in Canada?

The real estate market in Canada is expected to continue to grow in 2024, with the national home price projected to rise by 2.3% to $694,173. This indicates a positive outlook for buying a house in Canada in the upcoming year.

While the market conditions in Calgary may be favourable for buyers now, it is important to remember that the real estate market can be unpredictable and subject to various economic factors. Conducting thorough research & consulting with experts before making significant investments is crucial

Disclaimer: This information provided in this post should not be considered investment advice. It is recommended to consult with licensed real estate professionals like Udo & Company before making any real estate investment decisions.

Finding a Real Estate Agent in Calgary: A Complete Guide

Choosing the right real estate agent is crucial when buying or selling a property in Calgary. With its unique and dynamic market, working with an experienced professional who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your goals is important. Read on to learn everything you need about finding and selecting the best real estate agent in Calgary for your needs.

Why You Need a Real Estate Agent in Calgary

The real estate market in Calgary can be complex and ever-changing. Working with a professional real estate agent ensures that you have someone who understands the local market's intricacies. From navigating negotiations to handling paperwork, a real estate agent can make the process smoother and more efficient. Here are a few reasons why you should consider working with a real estate agent in Calgary:

With their help, you can make more informed decisions and have a better chance of finding the right property or buyer for your needs.

Key Qualities to Look for in a Real Estate Agent

When searching for a real estate agent in Calgary, there are certain qualities you should prioritize. Here are some key factors to consider:

Local Expertise

Working with skilled agents like the ones at Udo & Company with in-depth knowledge of Calgary's neighborhoods and market trends is important. They can provide valuable insights and guide you to the best areas for your specific needs.

Experience and Track Record

An agent's years in business and the types of properties they have dealt with can give you an idea of their expertise. A solid track record of successful sales or purchases is also a good indicator of their capabilities.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential when working with a real estate agent. They should be responsive and clear and keep you informed every step of the way.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

Past client experiences can speak volumes about an agent's professionalism, work ethic, and results. Before making a decision, take the time to read reviews and ask for references

Professional Credentials

Look for agents who have relevant certifications and memberships in real estate associations. This shows their commitment to staying up-to-date with industry standards and best practices.

Where to Find Potential Real Estate Agents

There are several ways to find potential real estate agents in Calgary:

Interviewing and Evaluating Real Estate Agents

Once you have a list of potential agents, it's important to interview and evaluate them before deciding. Here are some tips for this process:

Prepare a List of Questions

Prepare a list of questions about their experience, strategy, fees, and communication methods. This will help you get a better understanding of their approach and determine if they are the right fit for you.

Here are some examples of questions you could ask:

Watch Out for Red Flags

During the interview process, it's important to pay attention to any red flags that may indicate an agent is not a good fit. These can include needing more local knowledge, pushy behavior, or unprofessionalism.

Compare Multiple Agents

Don't settle for the first agent you meet with. It's important to interview at least three agents before making a decision. This will allow you to compare their personalities, strategies, and fees to determine the best fit for your needs

Making Your Decision

After interviewing and evaluating potential real estate agents, it's time to decide. Here are some key considerations when weighing pros and cons:


Working with a real estate agent in Calgary can greatly benefit your home-buying or selling journey. By understanding the qualities to look for, where to find potential agents, and how to evaluate and compare them, you can make an informed decision that leads you to success in the local real estate market. Remember to take your time and not be afraid to ask questions – finding the right agent is crucial for a successful transaction. So, start your search today and find the perfect fit for your needs! You can also consult Udo & Company for professional and reliable real estate services in Calgary. Our team of skilled agents is dedicated to helping clients achieve their real estate goals. Contact us today for more information!

How do I find a good Real Estate Agent in Calgary?

Choosing the right Real Estate Agent can significantly improve your home-buying or selling experience. This guide will walk you through the significant steps to finding an experienced, knowledgeable, and trustworthy Calgary real estate agent.

Define Your Needs

Before you search for a Real Estate Agent, consider your specific requirements. Are you buying or selling? Do you need someone with expertise in residential properties, commercial spaces, or condos? Answering these queries helps you narrow down your search to agents who specialize in what you need.

Research Agents and Agencies

The internet is valuable for finding the right Real Estate Agent in Calgary. Start by using search engines to look for agents in your area. Check out their websites and pay attention to reviews and testimonials from past clients. Social media platforms can also offer insights into an agent's reputation and activity.

Check Credentials and Experience

A reputable Real Estate Agent in Calgary should have the necessary licenses and certifications. Verify that they are registered with the Real Estate Council of Alberta. Experience is another key factor; find out how many years they have been in business and the types of properties they specialize in. The more experienced an agent is, the more likely they are to navigate the Calgary real estate market effectively.

Interview Prospective Agents

Once you've narrowed your list of potential agents, it's time to interview them. Prepare a list of questions to ask during the interview, such as their process for selling or buying a home, their fee structure, and their communication style. This interview helps you gauge their personality and whether you feel comfortable working with them.

Ask the Relevant Questions

Once you've gathered a list of potential Real Estate Agents, it's time to engage in a meaningful conversation. Prepare a set of questions that will help you assess whether the agent is the right fit for your needs. This step is crucial in understanding their approach, experience, and compatibility with your expectations.

  1. How long have you been a Real Estate Agent, and do you specialize in any specific property types?
  2. How do you approach the process of buying or selling a property?
  3. What marketing strategies do you use to sell a property, and how do you find buyer properties?
  4. Can you share a challenging deal you've handled and how you resolved it?
  5. How do you communicate with your clients, and how often will I hear from you during the process?
  6. What is your fee structure, and what services are included in your fees?

Ask for Recommendations

Recommendations from trusted sources can help you find the best Real Estate Agent for your needs. Begin by reaching out to friends, family, and colleagues. Their experiences can offer insights into the agent's reliability, communication style, and overall performance.

Assess Communication and Availability

A good Real Estate Agent should be a sound communicator. During your interviews, pay attention to how quickly they respond to your messages and how clear their communication is. Ask about their availability & whether they can accommodate your schedule. An agent who is difficult to reach or has limited availability might not be the best choice.

Evaluate Past Performance

An agent's track record is a strong indicator of their capabilities. Look for evidence of past sales and achievements, such as their listings on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and client testimonials. Contact current clients to get their feedback on the agent's performance.

Compare Fees and Contracts

Before finalizing your choice, ensure you understand the fee structure. Most Real Estate Agents work on commission, but some might offer flat fees or other arrangements. Review the contract terms carefully and ask questions if anything needs clarification. Make sure you know what services are included in the fee and if there are any additional costs.

Make Your Decision

With all the information you've gathered, it's time to decide. Choose the Calgary Real Estate Agent who aligns with your needs and preferences. Trust your instincts—it's likely a good fit if you feel comfortable with an agent and believe they have your best interests in mind.


Finding a reliable Real Estate Agent in Calgary can be a manageable task. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make the right choice that sets you up for success in your real estate journey. Remember, the right agent can be a valuable partner, providing expert guidance and helping you navigate the complex world of real estate.

Real Estate Buying and Selling Guide

Real estate is a broad term that encompasses various types of properties, including residential homes, commercial buildings, industrial spaces, and land. It is an ever-growing industry that plays a significant role in the economy.

The real estate Calgary, Alberta market refers to the buying, selling, and renting properties. It is influenced by factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, population growth, and demand for certain properties.

Real estate transactions involve various parties, including buyers, sellers, real estate agents, brokers, lenders, and attorneys. Each plays a crucial role in ensuring a successful transaction.

Buying Real Estate

Buying a property is a significant investment that requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some essential steps to follow when preparing to buy real estate:

  1. Assess Your Budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on a property, and consider your financing options, such as mortgages, loans, or cash payments. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage can also help streamline the buying process.
  2. Find the Right Property: Identify your needs and preferences regarding location, size, amenities, and budget. Research different neighborhoods and work with a real estate agent to find suitable options.
  3. Make an Offer: Once you have found a property that meets your requirements, assess its value and make a competitive offer. Negotiating terms and conditions with the seller may be necessary to reach an agreement.
  4. Conduct Due Diligence: Before finalizing the deal, it's essential to conduct home inspections, appraisals, and title searches to ensure the property is in good condition and has a clear title.
  5. Close the Deal: After completing all necessary checks and due diligence, review closing documents, pay any fees or costs, and complete the final walkthrough before signing for property ownership.

Selling Real Estate

When it comes to selling real estate, the following steps can help you prepare and market your property effectively:

  1. Assess Your Property's Value: Obtain a professional appraisal or research comparable properties to determine the value of your property.
  2. List Your Property: Decide whether to work with a real estate agent or sell the property yourself (known as For Sale By Owner or FSBO). Set the right listing price and create an attractive listing with photos, descriptions, and virtual tours.
  3. Market Your Property: Utilize online platforms, social media, open houses, and other advertising strategies to reach potential buyers.
  4. Negotiate Offers: Evaluate offers from interested buyers and negotiate terms and conditions to ensure a fair deal for both parties.
  5. Close the Sale: Once a suitable offer is accepted, manage inspections and appraisals, address any contingencies, and finalize closing documents to transfer ownership.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Real estate transactions involve legal and financial considerations that should not be overlooked. Some important aspects to consider include:

  1. Legal Aspects of Real Estate Transactions: Understand contracts, agreements, and real estate law to protect yourself and your investment.
  2. Tax Implications: Be aware of tax obligations and deductions related to real estate transactions, such as property taxes and capital gains tax.
  3. Protecting Yourself and Your Investment: Obtain appropriate insurance coverage, be cautious of scams and frauds, and know how to handle disputes or legal issues if they arise.

Additional Resources

Many resources are available to help you navigate the world of real estate. Consider utilizing these tools and services:

  1. Finding Professional Help: Seek assistance from reputable real estate agents, brokers, attorneys, and inspectors to guide you through the buying or selling.
  2. Useful Tools and Websites: Utilize online real estate portals to search for properties, access mortgage calculators and budgeting tools, and obtain property valuations.
  3. Further Learning and Education: Consider taking courses or obtaining certifications in real estate, reading books or articles on the subject, and joining industry associations to stay informed about trends and best practices.


Buying and selling real estate in Calgary, Alberta can be a complex process, but it can also be a rewarding experience with the right knowledge and resources. Remember to carefully assess your needs and budget, work with professionals, and prioritize legal and financial considerations for a successful transaction. 

Continue staying informed about the ever-changing real estate market to make informed decisions for future investments. So, whether you are looking to buy, sell, or simply learn more about the world of real estate, remember always to seek professional advice and stay updated on trends and developments in the industry.