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Best Tips from Calgary Real Estate Agents for Buying Your First Home

As a first-time homebuyer, the process of purchasing a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many factors to consider and decisions to make, it's important to have guidance from experienced professionals in the real estate industry. That's why we reached out to some of the best Calgary real estate agents at Udo & Company for their best tips on buying your first home.

Start with a Clear Budget

One of the first steps in the home-buying process is determining your budget. According to Calgary real estate agent Awa, it's important to understand your financial situation before beginning your search for a new home.

"Take the time to evaluate your current income, expenses, and any savings you may have," says Awa, the founder of Udo & Company. This will help you determine how much you can realistically afford for a down payment, monthly mortgage payments, and other expenses such as property taxes and homeowners insurance."

Research Different Neighborhoods

Before deciding on a specific property, it's important to research different neighborhoods in Calgary. Esteemed Associate Realtor Awa recommends visiting potential neighborhoods at different times of the day. 

"It's important to get a feel for the neighborhood and see if it suits your lifestyle. Take note of noise levels, traffic, and access to amenities such as grocery stores and schools."

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions

As a first-time homebuyer, you may need to become more familiar with all aspects of the home-buying process. That's why working with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can guide you through the process and answer any questions is important.

"Don't be afraid to ask your real estate agent anything that comes to mind," says Senior real estate agent at Udo & Company. "It's their job to ensure you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision." From understanding the current market trends to clarifying any confusing terminology, your real estate agent supports you every step of the way.

Consider Future Plans

When buying a home, it's important to not only think about your current needs but also consider your plans. Whether you plan on growing your family or eventually downsizing, 

Sr. real estate agent at Udo & Company, suggests thinking about the long-term potential of a property before making a purchase. "Ask yourself if the property aligns with your future goals and if it offers flexibility for any changes that may happen in your life."

Get a Professional Home Inspection

While a home may look perfect on the surface, it is important to get a professional home inspection before finalizing the purchase. A thorough inspection can help uncover potential issues or necessary repairs that may not be visible to the untrained eye.

"A professional home inspection can save you from unexpected costs and headaches down the road," says an associate realtor at Udo. "Make sure to attend the inspection and ask questions to understand the property's condition clearly."

Trust Your Gut and Be Patient

Buying a home is a big decision, so it's important to trust your instincts and not rush into anything. 

According to Awa, patience is key in finding the perfect home. "Don't settle for a property that doesn't meet all your needs and wants," he says. "Be patient and trust that the right home will come at the right time." By staying true to your budget, researching different neighborhoods, asking questions, and taking time, you can ensure a successful and fulfilling first-time home-buying experience.


Purchasing your first home is an exciting and rewarding milestone. By following these tips from top Calgary real estate agents at Udo & Company, you can feel confident and prepared as you embark on this journey. Remember to prioritize your budget, research different neighborhoods, ask questions, consider plans, get a professional home inspection, trust your instincts, and be patient to find the perfect home for you and your family. With the guidance and support of experienced professionals, you can make the best decisions for your future home.  

So, if you're ready to take the first step towards homeownership in Calgary, don't hesitate to contact our team at Udo & Company for expert assistance.  

For more such Home Buying Guides, read our other blogs here.

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